
Attending a new church can be overwhelming. As a church, it’s important to create a welcoming, friendly environment so that they can feel that they are a part of the community from day one.
Paper visitor connect cards only get you so far. What if there’s no pen to be had or the handwriting is illegible, or they’re only halfway filled out? Not to mention the potential privacy issue of a misplaced card.
That’s where ConnectNow comes in — our virtual visitor card which makes it easy for you to engage with church hoppers and serious church shoppers alike.
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  • Collect All the Info You Need

    ConnectNow allows you to receive the necessary information for starting a relationship with new supporters, including:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Validated Cell Phone Number

    Easy Signup

    Increase the number of signups due to the easy process of ConnectNow. New people will simply need to text a keyword set up for your organization and they’ll be sent a link to the data collection page.

    It’s easy, fast, secure — and best of all, you’ll never have to try to interpret illegible handwriting again!

    Included in Our GiveNow Solutions

    If you sign up to be a part of our GiveNow solutions, you’ll automatically receive one ConnectNow form.

    This means that you’ll not only be able to easily welcome potential new supporters and volunteers — but you’ll also be able to increase your fundraising by allowing them to easily give from their smartphones.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Our Clients Say

    • " Our church staff has worked with various different companies through the years but we experienced a higher level of care and responsiveness with mobileAxept than we have with others. As we rolled out our program to our members, mobileAxept gave us templates and tools that made the marketing team’s job very easy. "

      - Lauren Elrod, Director of Media, Apostolic Faith Church, Chicago, Il

    • " The Text-to-Give program is convenient, secure and accurate! I can give at any time, not just when I’m at church, and it makes it easy to keep up with my donations. mobileAxept also offers the ultimate in customer service - super friendly and helpful with excellent results! "

      - Chrystal R., Attendee Raleigh North Christian Center, Raleigh NC

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    Engage Your Congregation and Begin Accepting Donations Today

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    How Our Heroes are Impacting Their Communities

    • TD Jakes white text

      Realizing a need for reentry services in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Bishop T.D. Jakes founded the Texas Offenders Reentry Initiative (T.O.R.I.) program in 2005. Since inception, T.O.R.I. has provided service to over 23,000 returning citizens in the areas of employment, education, healthcare, housing, spiritual guidance and family reunification. Involvement in the T.O.R.I. program ensures increased opportunity, housing security, expanded educational opportunities, financial literacy and creates a heightened quality of life for each participant willing to complete the program. T.O.R.I. clients proudly state “I am more.”
    • Our church staff has worked with various different companies through the years but we experienced a higher level of care and responsiveness with mobileAxept than we have with others. As we rolled out our program to our members, mobileAxept gave us templates and tools that made the marketing team’s job very easy.
    • The Text-to-Give program is convenient, secure and accurate! I can give at any time, not just when I’m at church, and it makes it easy to keep up with my donations. mobileAxept also offers the ultimate in customer service - super friendly and helpful with excellent results!